
gRPC Trace

This document explains tracing of gRPC requests with OpenCensus.


Implementations MUST create a span, when the gRPC call starts, for the client and a span for the server.

Span name is formatted as (also known as full gRPC method name):

Examples of span names:

Outgoing requests should be a span kind of CLIENT and incoming requests should be a span kind of SERVER.

For backends that does not support Span.Kind, the exported span names can be prefixed with Sent. (for CLIENT kind) and Recv. (for SERVER kind).


Propagation is how SpanContext is transmitted on the wire in an gRPC request.

The propagation MUST inject a SpanContext (as a gRPC metadata grpc-trace-bin) and MUST extract a SpanContext from the gRPC metadata. The serialization format is defined here.


Implementations MUST set status which should be the same as the gRPC client/server status. The mapping between gRPC canonical codes and OpenCensus status codes can be found here.

Message events

In the lifetime of a gRPC stream, the following message events SHOULD be created:

-> [time], MessageEventTypeSent, MessageId, UncompressedByteSize, CompressedByteSize
-> [time], MessageEventTypeRecv, MessageId, UncompressedByteSize, CompressedByteSize

The MessageId must be calculated as two different counters starting from 1 one for sent messages and one for received message. This way we guarantee that the values will be consistent between different implementations. In case of unary calls only one sent and one received message will be recorded for both client and server spans.