
Correlation Context Header Format Rationale

This document provides rationale for the decisions made for the Correlation-Context header format.

General considerations

Why a single header?

Another option is to use prefixed headers, such as trace-context-X where X is a propagated field name. This could reduce the size of the data, particularly in http/2 where header compression can apply.

Generally speaking Correlation-Context header may be split into multiple headers and compression may be at the same ballpark as repeating values will be converted into a single value in HPAC’s dynamic collection. That’s said there were no profiling made to make this decision.

The approach with multiple headers has the following problems:

Why not Vary-style?

The Vary approach is another alternative, which could be used to accomplish the same. For example, Correlation-Context: x-b3-parentid; ttl=1 could tell the propagation to look at and forward the parent ID header, but only to the next hop. This has an advantage of http header compression (hpack) and also weave-in with legacy tracing headers.

Vary approach may be implemented as a new “header reference” value type ref. Correlation-Context: x-b3-parentid;type=ref;ttl=1 if proven needed.

Trimming of spaces

Header should be human readable and editable. Thus spaces are allowed before and after the comma, equal sign, and semicolon separators. It makes human-editing of headers less error-prone. It also allows better visual separation of fields when value modified manually.

Case sensitivity of names

There are few considerations why the names should be case sensitive:

Strings encoding

Url encoding is low-overhead way to encode unicode characters for non-latin characters in the values. Url encoding keeps a single words in latin unchanged and easy readable.


The idea behind limits is to provide trace vendors common safeguards so the content of the Correlation-Context header can be stored with the request. Thus the limits are defined on the number of keys, max pair length and the total size. The last limit is the most important in many scenarios as it allows to plan for the data storage limits.

Another consideration was that HTTP cookies provide a similar way to pass custom data via HTTP headers. So the limits should make the correlation context name-value pairs fit the typical cookie limits.