
Message Batching

Benthos is able to read and write over protocols that support multiple part messages, and all payloads travelling through Benthos are represented as a multiple part message. Therefore, all components within Benthos are able to work with multiple parts in a message as standard.

When messages reach an output that doesn’t support multiple parts the message is broken down into an individual message per part, and then one of two behaviours happen depending on the output. If the output supports batch sending messages then the collection of messages are sent as a single batch. Otherwise, Benthos falls back to sending the messages sequentially in multiple, individual requests.

This behaviour means that not only can multiple part message protocols be easily matched with single part protocols, but also the concept of multiple part messages and message batches are interchangable within Benthos.

Creating Batches

There are processors within Benthos that can expand and contract batches, these are the batch and split processors.

The batch processor continously reads messages until a target size has been reached, then the batch continues through the pipeline.

As messages are read and stored in a batch the input they originated from is told to grab the next message but defer from acknowledging the current one, this allows the entire batch of messages to be acknowledged at the same time and only when they have reached their final destination.

It is good practice to always expand or contract batches within the input section. Like this, for example:

  type: broker
    - type: foo
    - type: bar
  - type: batch
      byte_size: 20_000_000

You should never configure processors that remove payloads (filter, dedupe, etc) before a batch processor as this can potentially break acknowledgement propagation. Instead, always batch first and then configure your processors to work with the batch.

Archiving Batches

Batches of messages can be condensed into a single message part using a selected scheme such as tar with the archive processor, the opposite is also possible with the unarchive processor.

This allows you to send and receive message batches over protocols that do not support batching or multiple part messages.

Processing Batches

Most processors will perform the same action on each message part of a batch, and therefore they behave the same regardless of whether they see a single message or a batch of plenty.

However, some processors act on an entire batch and this might be undesirable. For example, imagine we batch our messages for the purpose of throughput optimisation but also need to perform deduplication on the payloads. The dedupe processor works batch wide, so in this case we need to force the processor to work as though each batched message is its own batch. We can do this with the process_batch processor:

  type: foo
  - type: batch
      byte_size: 20_000_000
  - type: process_batch
    - type: dedupe
        cache: foocache
        key: ${!}

The dedupe processor will now treat all items of the batch as if it were a batch of one message. Whatever messages result from the child processors will continue as their own batch.